Terms & Condition

Terms & Condition

  • The student has to pay the monthly fee in advance by the 5” of each month which is neither refundable nor transferable.
  • The fee must ‘be deposited in the office. The fee cannot be paid to anyone else under any circumstances.
  • In case, a student fails to pay the tuition fee by the due date, the student shall not be allowed to sit in the class unless he/she pays the fee in addition to the fine.
  • Stationery and admission fees will be charged at the beginning of every term or scheduled class.
  • An enrolled student will pay the full tuition fee despite being absent from the academy during that
  • It is obligatory for a student to inform the academy officially if he/she is going to leave any subject before the beginning or at the end of a month otherwise fee will be charged for the left
  • If a student adds any Subject, he/she should inform the academy office before taking that class.
  • Those who desire to appear only in exams are bound to pay the full fee as tuition and exam charges are the same. Besides, taking only exams is not the policy of the academy.
  • The student must be in proper dress
  • No new student can visit the class before reporting to the office.
  • Parents or guardians should accompany the student at the time of
  • Mobile phone is strictly prohibited in the In case of violation, Rs. 1000 will be charged and mobile will be confiscated for a week and shall be handed over to parents later on.
  • Every student is responsible for his/her belongings such as books, bicycle, motorcycle, car
  • Academy will not take responsibility for any physical harm to its student outside the premises.
  • No student can leave the academy before dismissal time. In an emergency situation, parents should inform the academy officially otherwise strict action will be taken against that
  • The student will be expelled from the academy for declaration:

I solemnly declare that I have read the above rules and regulations of the institute and I shall abide by them. If I violate the disciplinary rules of the institute, the institute reserves the right to take any disciplinary action against me.

Admissions Open for primary and Middle Classes, 9th to 12th Grade, MCAT ECAT, BSCS, Cadet College Entry Test Preparation, Spoken English and IELTS
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